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Theater Performances Local Tour Grant Application Form
Theater Performance International and Regional Festival Participation Grant Application Form
Capacity Building and Upskilling Grant Application Form
  • Guidelines
  • The Play
  • Tour’s Budget
  • Association Details
  • Attachments / Pledge

The local tour grant supports Emirati theater plays to tour the UAE.

The grant aims to:

• Support theater troupes in the country to take their plays on tour through the seven emirates
• Strengthen the role of theater troupes and enable them to reach the broadest audience possible through their tours.
• Contribute to the renaissance of the theater arts movement in the Emirates.
• Create an artistic environment to endorse the continuity of theatrical performances and build a fan base

The grant value is up to AED 30,000 per performance. There will be a minimum of eight awardees for this grant.
A committee of subject matter experts (the grant assessment committee) assigned by the Ministry of Culture and Youth will evaluate all eligible, complete applications based on the published assessment criteria to determine the grant awardees and their respective amounts.
1. Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Institutions:

• Public benefit associations, and theatre troupes


• "Plays" by public benefits associations and theatre troupes registered in the country
• Newly produced "plays" (no later than two years)
• Eligible "plays" should be purposeful and appropriate to the culture and traditions of the local community
• “Plays” targeting popular audience
• Adaptive elite "plays" that could be tweaked to suit a popular audience
• All genres of "plays" are eligible for instance: Comedy, Musical etc.
2. Application Submission
• Submit the required documents no later than 24/10/2022
• The applicant will receive an email confirming receipt of their application.
• Participation must take place before June 15th, 2023
• The grant assessment committee has the right to reject incomplete applications.
• The assessment committee has the right to propose a different location for the tour other than the location proposed by the troupe
3. Required documents and material
1. A copy of the registration documents of the association or theatrical troupe
2. A copy of the Emirates ID (both sides) of the association or theatrical troupe’s legal representative
3. A digital copy of the play's script and its approval from the Ministry of Culture and Youth
4. Playwright’s biography and photo
5. Director’s biography and photo
6. The list of actors and technicians, including their age, gender, nationality and their role in the play
7. A link to high-quality audio and video recording of the play
8. The technical rider of the play includes set design, lighting and other technical requirements
9. Five high-resolution images of the play
10. Marketing material of the play: trailer, biographies of the cast, poster (if available)
11. The deadline to submit all requirements is 24/10/2022
4. Assessment Criteria
The assessment committee will evaluate all eligible, complete applications based on the following criteria:

• The artistic merit of the work (originality, director’s vision
• The strength of the script, its objectives and plot
• The level of professionalism and clarity of the application form and required documents
• The level of interaction with the audience in previous shows
• The level of creativity in representing the play in a contemporary style for instance: interactive or outside the theater box
• The proposed venue of the tour: for instance, taking your play to a new and different stage (even rural areas) in the UAE, far from your troupe’s base, is encouraged and would be considered when assessing applications
• The target audience: Planning to target new segments of audience during the tour will positively impact the assessment of your application

The festival participation grant supports Emirati theater plays to participate/compete in regional and international festivals.

The grant aims to:

• Support the UAE theater troupes to present the country in international festivals
• Present Emirati theater in renowned international festivals and establish it as a vehicle for cultural exchange

The grant value is up to AED 100,000. There will be minimum of two winners for this grant.

A committee of subject matter experts (the grant assessment committee) assigned by the Ministry of Culture and Youth will evaluate all eligible, complete applications based on the published assessment criteria to determine the grant awardees and their respective amounts.
1. Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Institutions:

• Public benefit associations, and theatre troupes.


• "Plays" by public benefits associations and theatre troupes registered in the country.
• Newly produced "plays" (no later than one year).
• The "play's" main cast who will represent the country abroad should be Emirati
• The proposed "play" should be suitable for the targeted festival terms and conditions
2. Application Submission
• Submit the required documents no later than 24/10/2022
• The applicant will receive an email confirming receipt of their application.
• Participation must take place before June 15th, 2023
• The grant assessment committee has the right to reject incomplete applications.
3. Required documents and material
1. A copy of the registration documents of the association or theatrical troupe
2. A copy of the Emirates ID (both sides) of the association or theatrical troupe’s legal representative
3. A digital copy of the play's script and its approval from the Ministry of Culture and Youth
4. Biography of the playwright and their photo.
5. Biography of the director and their photo.
6. The list of actors and technicians, including their age, gender, nationality and their role in the play
7. A copy of the invitation letter if the troupe received a direct invitation from the festival
8. A link to high-quality audio and video recording of the play
9. The technical rider of the play includes set design, lighting and other technical requirements
10. Five high-resolution images of the play
11. Marketing material of the play: trailer, biographies of the cast, poster (if available)
12. The deadline to submit all requirements is 24/10/2022
4. Assessment Criteria
• The artistic merit of the work (originality, director’s vision)
• The strength of the script, its objectives and plot.
• The level of professionalism and clarity of the application form and required documents
• The reputation of the festival that the troupe is aiming to participate in
• The suitability of the proposed play with the festival that the troupe is intending to participate /compete in
• Recognition in previous awards at local festivals and positive reviews by industry critics.
I have Read, Understand, and Agree to the above Guidelines.
A. Play's Background
Play's Title and genre *
Play's Synopsis *
Playwright’s name and short biography *
Director’s name and short biography *
Cast and crew count *
Cast and crew under 35 years old count *
Cast and crew females count *
Tour Location Name of the Festival *
Tour Date Festival Date *
Target Audience *
Audience of previous shows of the same play (if applicable)
Are you planning to compete in this festival? If yes, please write a statement about your area of focus and your plan to win
B. Project Planning
Please provide a high-level implementation plan with major milestones and associated dates (you are allowed to submit this as a separate sheet if needed)
Milestone *
Planning Period *
C. Marketing and Communication Plan
Please provide details of the various activities across a timeline to ensure that project will have a strong PR and marking plan (you are allowed to submit this as a separate sheet if needed)
Marketing and Communication Plan *
A. Budget Summary
Total Budget Total Budget *
Grant requested for the tour Grant Requested for the participation *
Amount to be covered by the association/theater troupe (if any)
Amount to be covered by a third (if any)
B. Budget Breakdown
Budget item
Association / Troupe’s Background
Association / Troupe’s name *
Association / Troupe’s Emirate *
Association / Troupe’s City *
Association / Troupe’s Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Issuer Authority *
Advertising number *

Social media handles (if available)

Social Media Account
Social Media URL
Number of years of operation in the UAE *
Coordinator Name *
Coordinator Email *
Coordinator mobile number *
Information Correctness Pledge
We hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct
Required Documents and Material
A copy of the registration documents of the association or theatrical troupe *
A copy of the Emirates ID (both sides) of the association or theatrical troupe’s legal representative *
A digital copy of the play's script and its approval from the Ministry of Culture and Youth *
Playwright’s biography and photo *
Director’s biography and photo *
The list of actors and technicians, including their age, gender, nationality and their role in the play *
A link to high-quality audio and video recording of the play *
The technical rider of the play includes set design, lighting and other technical requirements *
Five high-resolution images of the play *
Marketing material of the play: trailer, biographies of the cast, poster (if available)

  • Guidelines
  • Program
  • Applicant Details
  • Pledge
  • Attachments

The capacity building and upskilling grant supports theatre troupes’ talents in the UAE to upgrade, specialise and modernise their skills

The grant aims to:

• Support theater troupes or individual talents, to enroll in specialized capacity building programs
• Support individuals to apply for mentorship or residency opportunities
• Train and update theater skills in the country to follow international trends of contemporary theater

The grant aims to:

1. AED 5000 to AED 25000 for programs in the UAE
2. AED 10,000 to 50,000 for abroad programs

There will be a minimum of four awardees for the 1st category, and a minimum of two awardees for the 2nd category.

A committee of subject matter experts (the grant assessment committee) assigned by the Ministry of Culture and Youth will evaluate all eligible, complete applications based on the published assessment criteria to determine the grant awardees and their respective amounts.
1. Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Institutions/Individuals :

• Public benefit associations, and theater troupes registered in the UAE
• individuals associated to public benefit associations, or theater troupes registered in the UAE

Eligible Programs

• Capacity building programs/workshops that is specialized in any of the theater skills
• Theater residencies
• Academic/professional short or long programs in theater and its various specialization
• Individual or group mentorship
• All eligible programs could be in the UAE or abroad
2. Application Submission
• Group or individual applications should be submitted by public benefit associations or theater troupes registered in the UAE
• Submit the required documents no later than 24/10/2022
• The applicant will receive an email confirming receipt of their application.
• Proposed programs must take place before June 15th, 2023
• The assessment committee has the right to reject incomplete applications
3. Required Documents and Material
1. A copy of the registration documents of the association or theater troupe
2. A copy of the Emirates ID (both sides) of the association or theater troupe’s legal representative
3. The proposed program plan: objectives, target audience, execution process, schedule
4. The profile of the training institution (when applicable)
5. Biography of the trainer(s)/ mentor(s)
6. A copy of Emirates ID of (both sides) of each talent proposed to participate in any program
7. The list of talents proposed to participate in one or several programs, including: age, gender, nationality and the skill they would like to train on
8. Resume with a photo of each talent proposed to participate in any program
9. The deadline to submit all requirements is 24/10/2022
4. Assessment Criteria
• The quality and depth of the program
• The specialization of the program and its potential positive impact on the skills of theater troupes’ or individual talents
• The capabilities and previous experience of the program trainers/mentors
• The contemporaneity (modernity) of the program and its consideration of current international theatre trends
I have read, understand, and agree to the above guidelines.
A. Program Background
Name of the program and specialization *
Trainers / mentor's name and short bio *
Objectives of the program *
Desired outcome / impact of the program *
Why this program? *
Training institution’s name and overview *
Dates and duration of the program *
B. Program Structure
Section Date / Period
Section *
Date / Period *
C. Program Budget
Total Budget *
Grant Requested for the program *
Amount to be covered by the association/theater troupe Individual (if any)
Amount to be covered by a third part if any
A. Association / Troupe’s Background
Association / Troupe’s Name *
Emirate *
City *
Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Issuer Authority *
Advertising number *

Social media handles (if available)

Social Media Account
Social Media URL
Number of years of operation in the UAE *
Coordinator Name *
Coordinator Email *
Coordinator mobile number *
Number of talents participating in the program *
B. Details of Proposed Individuals

To be filled by each proposed talent

Full Name *
Date of Birth *
Emirate *
City *
Full address *
Short bio *
Mobile Number *
Email Address *
Specify the skills that you need to train on and why *
Information Correctness Pledge
We hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct
Required Documents and Material
A copy of the registration documents of the association or theatrical troupe *
A copy of the Emirates ID (both sides) of the association or theatrical troupe’s legal representative *
The proposed program plan: objectives, target audience, execution process, schedule *
Resume with a photo of each talent proposed to participate in any program *
The profile of the training institution (when applicable) *
Biography of the trainer(s)/ mentor(s) *
A copy of Emirates ID of (both sides) of each talent proposed to participate in any program *
The list of talents proposed to participate in one or several programs, including: age, gender, nationality and the skill they would like to train on *
