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Application for Cultural Associations and Bands Finical Subsidies
Application for Cultural Associations and Bands Finical Subsidies
Request for Cultural Associations and Bands Finical Subsidies - Projects / Programs
Email *
Enter the OTP sent by Email *
Applicant Details

Mobile *
Emirates ID *
Nationality *

Association Details

Association or Band Name *
Establishing Date *
License Expiry Date *
Emirate *
Phone Number *
Email *
Total number of employees *
Announcement Number *
Address *
Project Title *
Implementation Timeline *
Project field *
Emirate where project will be implemented *
Project Description *
How does the program / project affect the Emirati cultural field *
How does the program impact talent development? *
How does the program affect cultural awareness *
How many beneficiaries are expected / how many creatives participate *
Requested grant amount *
Explain any innovation in the project and the added value it provides *
How does the program / project affect the category of youth *
How does the program / project affect the category of women *
How does the program affect the volunteer category *
How does the program affect people of determination? *
Explain how the association can best implement the project *
Explain why Friday needs the ministry’s support for the program *
Are there partners or sponsors for the project? *
Write the association’s most important activities and objectives *
Fill out the list of programs and projects *
How many activities were implemented from the previous year’s plan *
Based on the activities report, how many creatives were developed *
Based on the activities report, how many elderly people have had their expertise benefited from? *
Based on the activities report, how many young people participated in the plan *
Based on the activities report, how many programs enhanced the role of women *
Based on the activities report, how many programs strengthened the role/importance of volunteering *

Financial details

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) *
Bank Name *
Financial deficit *
Financial surplus *
External support *

Chairman and members of the Board names and details

Name *
Email *
Gender *
Age *
Role *
Nationality *
Emirates ID *

Employees Names and Details

Name *
Email *
Gender *
Age *
Position *
Nationality *
Emirates ID *
Required Documents and Material
Attach the publicity certificate *
Attach the declaration of association *
Attach the minutes of the general assembly *
Attach the annual audit report *
Information Correctness Pledge
We hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct
