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Brief about Community and Cultural Centers
The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development offers a range of community and cultural services and programs for members of the community through its libraries and community and cultural centers, aiming to raise the level of cultural and community awareness and supporting talented and creative young people, through establishing and sponsoring cultural activities and programs developing an intellectual and creative community, forming the societal and cultural center for the country serving the cultural, societal and information fields, in addition to creating an environment capable of developing youth and consolidating the sense of their national identity.
These community and cultural centers under , which works in harmony with the other departments of the ministry, works to achieve the vision and mission of the ministry extending the geographic circle of the cultural centers and libraries thanks to the ministry's efforts to reach all of the different areas in the UAE. These centers include a range of cultural facilities, such as public libraries, service centers, theaters, exhibition halls, multi-purpose rooms, training rooms and service facilities, in addition to a number of cultural and community initiatives such as the “The Cultural Convoys” and “My Country’s Summer”.
Cultural Centers   


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Last Modified Date: 20 March 2015