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Innovation Cultural Project
About the Award
Innovation cultural project is a cultural competition focuses on the creative citizens of the United Arab Emirates, so this contest strives to enhance talents energies and capabilities able to develop and build the shining future of the country .innovative cultural project competition targets individual and collective works in addition to the projects submitted by creativity clubs in the universities and colleges of the state. In the fourth session of the competition there are three basic themes: - cultural projects that promote National Identity, cultural projects that promote the Arabic language, cultural projects promote UAE related studies and research.
Objectives of the award
Highlighting the talents and creations of young Emiratis.
Promotion of mother tongue, and the values of National Identity in the minds of young people.
Support and encouragement of cultural projects that serve the UAE society.
First place: 20.000 thousand AED
Second place: 15,000 thousand AED
Third place: 15,000 thousand AED
How to participate
Fill in the registration form for the competition, provided at the bottom of the page.
Provide a copy of the work on a CD, a copy of the passport, and the participation undertaking.
Send the works to the following address not later than (05/23/2013): -
The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development - Dubai – There should be clearly written on the front of the envelope (cultural project innovative contest) Fourth Session 2013. The envelope could also be delivered at the cultural centers affiliated to the ministry.
Terms of the award
All the writers and creative artists among the United Arab Emirates citizens are entitled to participate in the contest, in addition to the creativity clubs from universities and colleges of the state.
A competitor should submit an innovative cultural project related to one of the following themes: - (Projects to strengthen National Identity - Projects to promote the Arabic language - projects to promote UAE related studies and research).
The works should be provided in eloquent Arabic.
Creativity and innovation should be focal point of the works presented, as well as inculcate the inherent values of the culture of the UAE.
Works meant to be presented in the competition should not have won in competitions before or already published.
Works should be submitted in the given time period.
You can communicate with The Talented and Creative Artists care Department in the Ministry on 2617744/04 phone - Ext: - 448-445
Last Modified Date: 05 February 2015