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Quality Policy

Quality policy, complaints management, environment, occupational health and safety

ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 10001:2007, ISO 10002:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007

Senior management and staff are committed to apply integrated management system, and seek to excellence, which is the main driving force of the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development, through:

​1. Rapid and continuous innovation of the ministry's systems in line with the directions of the Federal Government to achieve the strategic objectives of the ministry. 
2. Providing distinguished and diversified services to achieve the leadership and excellence in achieving customer satisfaction. 
3. Achieving high quality levels by using the pattern of distinction in the works. 
4. Developing resources as a real investment. 
5. Providing an environment free from pollution and noise and reducing the consumption of natural resources. 
6. Providing an environment free of dangers that affect occupational and safety heath. 
7. Laws and legislations will be applied in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates. 
8. Reviewing the goals and policies with all employees of the ministry. 
9. Distributing policies and goals to all employees of the ministry. 
10. Recognizing the right of the customers in complaining as a valuable means for feedback and input for the development of services. 
11. The senior management cares about handling complaints efficiently, effectively and in a quick and just way through a complaints system that is characterized by easy access, speed, confidentiality and reliability of the provided information. It is a simple, impartial, effective and observed system, and it is subject to checking periodically. 
12. Supporting the complaints system with a trained team and procedures which have been designed according to the requirements of the specification ISO10002:2004 and the unified system of complaints of the Governments of the United Arab Emirates, MyGov gate, constantly seeks to conform with international good practices. 
13. Dealing responsibly with issues related to the complaints, and studying and resolving the root causes of the problems whenever possible.
14. The ministry is committed to responding to complaints within (2 working days) and to reply to complaints within (7 working days).​​

Accordingly, the ministry is committed to improving its performance and operations and verification of the effectiveness of the systems periodically and continuously.
Last Modified Date: 16 November 2017